Thursday, November 18, 2010

1263 miles and a snow storm!

Chad and I are enjoying a beautiful day in Boulder, Colorado.  I must say, the city is very impressive and the University of Colorado at Boulder campus is breathtaking.  It is nothing like Plymouth.  The buildings are immaculate, the campus is clean and all the students ride bicycles.  Did I mention that campus has an amazing view of the Flatirons?  Well... it does. 

On recommendation from Chads girlfriend.  He and I went to Mountain Sun Brewery and Pub!  I have never waited so long for a table on  a Wednesday night.  However, it was well worth it.  While drinking heavenly IPA's and waiting for our table.  We talked with gregarious wait staff and friendly patrons.  Forty-five minutes later and a few beers, Chad and I were seated at a community table.  The burgers were great!

The drive from Lexington to Boulder is approximately 1263 miles.  As we pushed through Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and Kansas, we decided we would make the drive in one shot.  With 20 miles left in Kansas Chad pulled over for fuel and a driver change.  I bought a coffee and we cruised into Colorado.  No more then 30 minutes into the drive, Chad was asleep and it began to snow.  Now, I don't know if snow is any different in Colorado, but it was coming down with force!  With the speedometer reading 55 MPH, 20 MPH short of the posted speed limit, conditions worsened.  Once the road disappeared and visibility dropped from 50 feet to 20, I woke Chad up and we pulled off at the first exit we came across.  Flagler, Colorado.  Not wanting to stray too far from the highway we pulled into the first lot we found.  In front of us was a Diner and behind a Liquor store.  With nowhere else to stay, Hotel Subaru was looking mighty fine.  With the back seats down and the car packed with gear, we were forced to sleep sitting up. 

Needless to say, good sleep was not in the cards.  Between gale force winds, which rocked the Subaru, and the never ending battle to squirm into a comfortable position, an hour of sleep was accomplished.  At 630am we had had enough and roused ourselves from the car.  The doors had froze shut and the outside world was coated in ice. 

At the gas station across the street, we learned that the highway was unsafe for travel.  There were numerous accidents.  While telling us that it only got worse, I asked the gas station attendant why they hadn't closed the highway?  She replied, "they won't close it until there is a fatality."  After an hour of milling around the gas station, we decided to hit the road.  The highway was slick and we saw multiple accidents.  Just passed Limon, CO. the sun came out and the road cleared.  It was smooth sailing to Boulder!  


  1. Glad to hear you're safe buddy boy! This kind of reminds me of the time our camp site in Rhode Island was rained out and we had to sleep in the convertible... and again at the boatyard this summer. Yes, good times indeed!

  2. Good times yes! There will be many more to come! Hope all is well. Viva la beards!!!
