Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Inspiration is interesting.  Where does it come from? and where does it go?  It is enigmatic, some people are self inspired while others need 'inspiration.'  I find myself 50% inspired by others and 50% self driven.

A few weeks ago, my friend John (who I hadn't seen in a year) came into Canoe.  Sidebar:  Canoe is a restaurant that I am currently working in.  It is in Centre Harbor, NH.  It's nice, the food is great and I don't mind working there.  While serving John  and his friend Sweet and Sour Calamari, (which is phenomenal) he asked about my travels and said he enjoyed reading my blog.  That stood out to me.  It felt good to hear someone who I hadn't seen in a long time say that.  BAM, inspiration.  However, it has taken me close to a month to actually sit down and write.  The other 50% percent, self motivation.  Truth be told, I have been busy and my computer only works half the time I turn it on.  With that said, I am excited to blog again and set out on another trip!

Yes, that is correct.  Chad and I are hitting the road again.  It is going to be great.  Seasoned road veterans setting out on another epic trip.  (There are plans for another European adventure, but I can't tell you everything at once!)  It is time.  I need to get out.  I moving out of my apartment, and may be saying goodbye to NH for a long time.  It is hard to fathom that completely, but I haven't been happy since returning from Spain.  A large part of it stems from where I am living.  It has been a great, cheap apartment but I am done with it.

I know I have been saying this for a while, but the dream (my life since graduating college) needs a face lift, a  paradigm shift.  The ideal of the dream must continue but I need to promote myself.  Grad School, a move (out west) or a real job.  I think I am going gray from waiting tables! These things are going to happen.

As for climbing, what can be said I love it!  This summer hasn't been the best.  Lot of rain and humidity.  I sent Dodge the Lemons, a 5.13c/d on the Waimea wall of Rumney.  It is a beast of a motherfucker.  I got some recognition in a local climbing magazine for the ascent.  It was cool.  Aside from that, I have climbed Roaring Silence, 5.13b.  I am close on 3 other projects.  Two of the three are perpetually wet with all the rain, and the third, Beat Junky, I hope to send this week!

Opening moves of Dodge the Lemons
Intermediate hold before the toss to the brick.

   All in all it has been a great summer.  I got to witness and be apart of the marriage of two friends.  Anthony Cormier to Casey Martin.  They are both amazing people and I was honored to be apart of it.  I've visited friends all around the Northeast, I have money in the bank to travel with.  Life is good, the coffee I am drinking tastes great.

The adventure continues!

1 comment:

  1. Pumped that you decided to document your adventures again! The count down begins a month (-2 days) until the departure. Way excited for you man!
