Friday, January 7, 2011


I have never been the type of person who has a lot of friends.  Because of this, the friends I do have tend to be special and dear to me.  I have a core group of friends that I grew up with, friends in New Hampshire, and a few close friends in Asheville, NC.  More often then not I will go weeks, months, or even years without seeing some of them.  What I love the most about my friendships with them all, is that we pick up like we never left off.  And for that I am elated to have the friends I do. 

Chad and I found ourselves in Asheville, NC on the final leg of our trip.  It was great because Josh and Cameron were still around and crushing as usual.  Chad and I stayed with Josh and we got in a couple good days at Rumbling Bald.  While there, I spent some time with my Aunt Maggie and my cousin Lola.  Both of whom I have a great relationship with.  No matter how short a time I am in Asheville, I love it.  I wish I had the ability to just move there!  The funny thing is... what's stopping me? Nothing, expect myself.  Which is an interesting thing to say.

Since returning from the road trip, I have and still am (due to snow) spending time home in Stone Ridge.  It is interesting how you can grow up in an area, spend a majority of your life there, and feel like a stranger after living away.  When I'm home I lack motivation and I feel like there is nothing to do.  I am "out of my element?"  Does that make any sense?  Or is it that I have grown past what I know here?  I am also in a debate over work, what to do in February, i.e., go to Spain, go to Asheville for a few weeks, stay in NH... etc.  I am definitely in the post college, mid-twenties purgatory of life!  It really isn't a bad place to be.  It is filled with travels and adventures that are interesting and comical, but it is also a desolate place.  Not knowing what the future has in store is a scary thing.  Funny thing, I am going to see a movie with my mother tonight called Tiny Furniture.  It is about a girl who comes home after graduating college and is going through the same thing!  True story.  Not the movie just the coincidence. 

The time I have spent home has been fun.  I saw my friend Toby for his birthday and met his new (only new to me) girlfriend.  I went to Long Island for my friend Andrews 25th birthday, spent a few days with Dave and ended up in the Hampton's for New Years.  It defiantly ranks among my best New Years'.  I also went Ice Climbing with my friend Brad.  Yes, I am addicted to it again.  And yes, I need new crampons, the Rambo 4's have seen there day and are no longer safe to climb with.   

With all that said, life is a great adventure that I am honored to be apart of.  Yes, it has its down but it is predominately great.  Oh, don't ever watch a movie called The Fourth Kind.  I watched it last night with Scott and it is one fucked up movie!